Originally based on themes from the 1946 film "Song of the South," the Disney World attraction debuted in Florida in June. The Disneyland version will be unveiled in California later this year
Two court cases over 200 years apart reflect what happens when commercial and artistic interests meet
These ten misconceptions underplay how much we have altered the global environment and undermine the new perspective we need to deal with a drastically changed world
A Smithsonian folklorist looks back and finds stories that explain how a darkening of daytime skies provokes a foreboding of evil
The human hand is an incredible tool—and a deadly threat
A Smithsonian curator and a historian discuss the links between the Johnson-Reed Act and Executive Order 9066, which rounded up 120,000 Japanese Americans in camps across the Western U.S.
Smithsonian paleoanthropologists reveal some of the year’s most fascinating findings about human origins
When the nascent naval power invaded Puerto Rico, three artists captured the moment, each explaining its significance in their own way
The William Cogswell painting, now on display at the National Portrait Gallery, was likely a means for the ruler to assert her right to the throne
A river of fabric? Janice Arnold’s installations, inspired by the people of Central Asia, go to great lengths to evoke wonder
Traveling to the ancient Iraqi city, the Smithsonian’s ambassador at large reports on the international efforts to aid recovery
An exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery showcases the photography of Brian Lanker—and the remarkable lives of his subjects
The Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative and its partners are aiding in the fight to protect the country's history and to document attempts to erase it
The iconic building on the National Mall will be closed for five years as its interior gets a highly anticipated makeover
In February, the building will shutter for five years for much-needed improvements
Smithsonian paleoanthropologists reveal the year’s most riveting findings about our close relatives and ancestors
The Stars Are Aligned at the National Museum of American History
A new permanent exhibition offers proof that popular entertainment can be more than just a diversion
Meet the duo who helped achieve the most important labor and civil rights victories of their age
Visitor data from the Smithsonian’s FUTURES exhibition provides a road map for how to navigate the world ahead
Smithsonian museums preserve and celebrate history. Yet they have histories of their own that help connect us with Washingtonians and the world
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